Legal Notices
BRM Solicitors is the trading name of BRM Law Limited, a company registered in England under company number 8133693.
The registered office of BRM Law Limited, trading as BRM Solicitors is:
Gray Court
99 Saltergate
S40 1LD
Telephone: 01246 555111
Fax: 01246 554411
A list of Directors is available on request or can be viewed at our Registered Office.
BRM Law Limited trading as BRM Solicitors is a law firm practicing in England and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under no. 597752. Any solicitor practicing at BRM is registered with the Solicitors Regulation Authority and any Chartered Legal Executive is registered with the Institute of Chartered Legal Executives.
All regulated businesses are subject to rules and principles of professional conduct. The firm and its employees must comply with the SRA Standards and Regulations, a copy of which can be accessed via the following link:
If the Standards and Regulations are unavailable online you can contact the SRA who should provide details upon request. SRA contact details can be accessed at the following link:
If you think the firm or any of its employees have breached these principles then you may be entitled to complain to the SRA. Please refer to the SRA’s website for further information on the types of complaint that the SRA will consider.
The firm of BRM Solicitors (including all its solicitors and Legal Executives) practices within the jurisdiction of England and Wales.
Website Disclaimer
All information contained on BRM’s website and news blog,, should only be used as a source of general information and guidance and is not intended to be comprehensive information on any subject or to represent legal or other professional advice.
Information published on BRM’s website(s) should not be relied on or used as a substitute for specific legal advice. BRM Solicitors will not accept liability for losses which may arise from your accessing the website(s) or upon any information published on BRM’s website(s).
BRM’s website(s) may link to external internet content not owned or published by BRM Solicitors and external internet content may in turn link to our website(s). BRM Solicitors are not responsible for the content on any external internet sites and will not be liable for any losses you may incur from the access of any external site
BRM Law Limited is registered for VAT purposes. Our VAT number is GB 509 4248 44
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You must not use BRM’s websites or news blogs to post unsolicited marketing communications, messages unrelated to any of our website content or any illegal content, such as (but not limited to) obscene or defamatory material. BRM reserves the right to report the sender’s provided details and originating IP address of any such content to the relevant ISP and/or law enforcement authorities.
While BRM takes all reasonable precautions to protect personal information and keep the website secure from malware it cannot guarantee the security of any information sent over the internet and by submitting information via the internet by email or through BRM’s website you accept that BRM Solicitors will not accept liability for any security breach, unless that breach is due to negligent action by BRM Solicitors.